Monday, August 24, 2009

My Dog Doesn't Stink!

With all that hair, my dog comes inside from a hot and sweaty romp just reeking. Sometimes I can hardly stand to be in the same room with him. And I just don't have the energy to bathe him every other day.

But I do have a solution.

Puppy Parfum Spray.

I mix a little lemon, lime, coconut and cinnamon into the Urban Botanic parfum spray, give the dog a few generous spritzes and voilá! I can actually stand to have him around.

He doesn't seem to mind the fragrance. UB doesn't use alcohol, butane, formaldehyde or any of the other harsh preservatives that would irritate his sensitive skin. And the oils are very natural and easy on the nostrils, both his and mine.

Now, if I could just find a toothpaste that would cover up doggie breath...

Shop Urban Botanic.

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