Monday, June 22, 2009

Don’t Even Think About Ratios

A lot of people ask how to know what ratios to use in their scent.

“How did you know to use 10 drops of Coconut and only 4 drops of Cinnamon?”

The answer is, I didn’t know.

I didn’t even think about it, and neither should you.

When creating a scent, just go with what smells good. Add a drop of Coconut and smell. Not enough Coconut? Add another drop and smell. Still not enough? Keep adding until it’s just right.

Make sure you add a hash mark to your "My Scent In Progress" sheet after adding each drop to your glass, but otherwise, don’t even think about your ratios until your fragrance is just how you want it to be.

At the very end, look at your ratio. If it ends up being a one to one ratio for each ingredient, so what? You love your scent.

If it ends up being two ingredients with a 10 to 1 ratio, so what? You love your scent.

Once I had a woman create the perfume of her dreams and it had only two perfume oils in it. The ratio was 136 drops of one oil to 14 of the other. Another time a woman used two oils, with a 1 to 1 ratio.

Both times, they were thrilled. Their recipes were perfect in their eyes and that’s all that matters.

Shop Urban Botanic.

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